
The Society welcomes as Full Members Orthodox Christians who reside in North America and are teaching theology at an institution of higher learning or are engaged in serious theological work or research. A candidate for membership typically will have at least a Master’s degree in theology (or its equivalent) or a master’s degree in Arts, as well as significant additional graduate studies in theology or related disciplines. The society welcomes as Associate Members (1) Orthodox post-graduate students yet to obtain a second-level master’s degree, or doctoral students who are not yet ABD; (2) scholars in theology and related disciplines who belong to non-Orthodox Christian churches and communities.

If you fit membership requirements and would like to join OTSA, please use our online membership application to submit a CV containing the following information:

  • Name, address, e-mail, phone and fax numbers,
  • Listing of degrees attained, institution, and date of conferral
  • Publications (books, articles, etc.)
  • Areas of research
  • Any teaching positions held
  • Lectures and papers delivered
  • Currently-held positions
  • Contributions to Orthodox theological scholarship
  • Names of two Full Members of OTSA who would serve as sponsors

Please also indicate your reasons for seeking membership in OTSA.