OTSA meets each year. Usually, the location alternates between Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, Massachusetts and St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Crestwood, New York. On occasion, the annual meeting of OTSA has been held in Chicago as well. The sessions of the annual meeting are generally open to the public, unless the meeting planners decide to close a particular session. The business meeting of the society is for members only.
OTSA Annual Meeting: 29-31 May 2025
at Maliotis Center / Holy Cross
Call for Papers: Deadline 25 April 2025
The theme of this year’s OTSA annual meeting is Human experience: How does it shape theology and church life? Conference papers and panels will explore the role of human experience in shaping Orthodox thought and life in the past, present and future. Proposals are invited from the perspective of scriptural interpretation, liturgy, patristics, canonical practice, ethics, artistic expression, spiritual life or any other relevant discipline. Paper and panel proposals should include an abstract of less than 250 words and an abbreviated CV of the presenter(s), sent to the OTSA secretary, Helen Theodoropoulos, at secretary@otsamerica.org or helen60076@yahoo.com.
Paper sessions will be 30 minutes in length and will consist of a 20 minute presentation and 10 minutes for discussion. Panels may be scheduled for 60 minutes. Proposals will be considered for acceptance on a rolling basis, as they come in, with notifications sent out shortly after review. This will be an in-person meeting but under extenuating circumstances, accepted papers may be considered for remote presentation.
Please note that only members in good standing (having paid dues for 2025) are eligible to submit and present papers at the annual OTSA meeting. You can visit the OTSA website to pay your dues to ensure that you can participate in our annual meeting in May.
Please note: a separate link enables members to offer a tax-deductible donation for the Florovsky Fund.
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Florovsky Lecture
We are pleased to announce that this year’s speaker will be TheRev. Hieromonk Dr. Vasily Permiakov, on the topic “The Church and the Temptation of Totalitarianism: Experiences of the Past and the Orthodox Witness Today.” The lecture will be at the Maliotis Center on Friday 30 May 2025 at 7:00 pm ET.