26 April, 2021
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Dear Fathers and Friends,
A blessed Holy Week and Pascha to all!

We wanted to share with you this opportunity to reflect more deeply on this sacred and crucial time through this sermon series in which a number of OTSA members have participated. The series, “Orthodox Scholars Preach,” speaks to the Sundays of Lent and Pascha.
The Orthodox Christian Studies Center, in partnership with the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros, has launched a new video series “Orthodox Scholars Preach.” The goal of the series is to provide a platform for Orthodox scholars to reflect on the spiritual themes of the liturgical calendar while drawing on their expertise. The series provides a space where Orthodox Christians and others interested in Orthodox spirituality can encounter the depth and richness of the tradition through stimulating, theologically-informed preaching by respected and diverse Orthodox scholars.
Videos are found on the Center’s YouTube channel.
Speakers for the debut series include (those with an asterisk are OTSA members):
Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee: Fr. Stefanos Alexopoulos*
Sunday of the Prodigal Son: Sister Vassa Larin*
Sunday of the Last Judgment: Fr. John Behr*
Sunday of Forgiveness: Aristotle Papanikolaou*
Sunday of Orthodoxy: Fr. John Chryssavgis
Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas: Jeannie Constantinou
Sunday of the Holy Cross: John Fotopoulos
Sunday of St. John Climacus: James Skedros*
Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt: Nadia Kizenko
Palm Sunday: Teva Regule*
Good Friday: Paul Gavrilyuk* (To be posted)
Pascha: Ashley Purpura* (To be posted)
MARK YOUR CALENDARS—Mixed Marriages Online Seminar, May 29, 1–3 pm EDT: Please plan to attend the upcoming online seminar on Mixed Marriage hosted by OTSA: “The Two Become One? Mixed Marriages in the Orthodox Church.” DATE AND TIME: Saturday, May 29, 1:00-3:00 pm (EDT). Panelists are Fr. Anthony Roeber, Dr. Vigen Guroian, Deacon Nicholas Denysenko, and Dr. Despina Prassas. We look forward to an exceptional exploration of this pressing and important topic for our times. Our next letter will include more details, plus a flyer for you to share and post.
Respectfully submitted,
Teva Regule, PhD, OTSA President
Helen Creticos Theodoropoulos, PhD, OTSA Secretary